By 2025, those who are currently 25 to 34 years old will represent almost 50% of the global workforce. Greater Vancouver recently received a 'D' rating in a study which measured our effectiveness at attracting and engaging this demographic. It is of growing concern that this demographic is leaving Greater Vancouver and that fewer are deciding to put down roots here. To support our ideas behind Vancouver's Millennial Crisis, please vote for team number 5 and help us bring our solutions to reality!
“I think that real estate in Vancouver has become a major issue, in the last ten years the price of living in Vancouver has increased dramatically compared to incomes.
“So I think there is a feeling sometimes when Millennials graduate school that they don't have the experience, but we have a strong belief that young talent provides wisdom, energy and ideas to our organization.
“The hesitancy to hire someone without the applied skills is expensive, so it's natural that an employer wouldn't want to hire someone that will take a lot of training and expense before they bring in any value.
“Most cities would be jealous of the influx of residence, capital and talent that we have, but that is also the biggest threat to our future, is whether or not we can sustainably manage and maintain and provide the right opportunities.
“In some ways there is nothing wrong with young talent leaving Vancouver, if that talent is leaving to improve their skills in a sector that might have a possibility in growing here. So I really don't have an issue with them leaving as long as we are creating an opportunity for them to come back.
Please take a moment to vote for us, the "BIG Idea Champion." will be shown at a special event on May 18 entitled Illuminate Vancouver, if you are interested attending you can register for free with the link below.
The Company of Young Professional's Solutions
Provide hiring incentives for small businesses and startups to hire graduates.
Increase the number of work shops available for small businesses and startups to provide management, marketing, experience
Give tax credit to small businesses within their first five years to reduce burden of cost and help investing inward.
Defer student loan for up to 3-5 years if graduate decides to reside in Vancouver.
Increase management training options for students while in school to provide real work experience for when they graduate
Continue the Student transport fare for recent graduates for up to 2-3 years. The grad will continue to pay the same Translinkfare through his college.