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BIG Idea Video Contest

Please take a moment to vote for us, the "BIG Idea Champion." will be shown at a special event on May 18 entitled Illuminate Vancouver, if you are interested attending you can register for free with the link below.


The Company of Young Professional's Solutions


Provide hiring incentives for small businesses and startups to hire graduates.


Increase the number of work shops available for small businesses and startups to provide management, marketing, experience

Tax credit

Give tax credit to small businesses within their first five years to reduce burden of cost and help investing inward.

Helping Graduates

Defer student loan for up to 3-5 years if graduate decides to reside in Vancouver.

Real Training

Increase management training options for students while in school to provide real work experience for when they graduate

Extra Savings

Continue the Student transport fare for recent graduates for up to 2-3 years. The grad will continue to pay the same Translinkfare through his college.

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