Vancouver’s Millennial Crisis
Greater Vancouver Board of Trade is Canada’s most active and influential business association. They act as a vibrant hub for commerce, trade, and free enterprise all while impacting those who work, live or visit the Vancouver region. As such, they help contribute to the success and growth of young entrepreneurs and business professionals through their Company of Young Professionals program. They host several networking events and seminars that specifically cultivate business education and community engagement.
One of their more recent initiatives was the “Big Idea Contest” which was a video competition aimed at a growing trend and problem that Vancouver’s Millennial population faces. Recent studies have showed that by 2025 over 50% of the world’s working population will be Millennials. Vancouver faces the dilemma of losing out on attracting this generation as the cost of living in the region rises beyond affordability.
Our help in this contest was based around one group’s submission of solutions to the growing problem. We used our storytelling abilities to tie together perspectives from various business leaders, business influencers and Millennials themselves to establish the conversation that lead into the group’s innovative and transformative ideas.
To support our ideas behind Vancouver’s Millennial Crisis, please visit the contest page and vote for team number 5 and help us bring our solutions to reality! For more information about the project please visit our page at PixelMotionFilms/Millennials.
I agree with the points made in this film, but these suggestions will not be enough to make it possible for millennials to stay in Vancouver. There needs to be more stringent regulation of housing as a global economy to protect local residents. Unfortunately, governments at all levels are benefiting from the rise in housing prices and are willing to see millennials as collateral damage. As we live in a democracy, millennials must become well-informed voters and ensure that those elected will promote the public rather than their own interests.